Surveys & EPCs

Are you looking to make your home more energy efficient? We can find the right solution for you.

Surveys & Energy Performance Certificate (EPC)

Energy Performance Certificates are a legal requirement for building, selling and renting a domestic property. Any dwelling constructed before April 2008 requires an EPC. Any dwelling built after April 2008 may require a Standard Assessment Procedure (SAP) certificate.
An EPC contains information about a property’s energy use and typical energy costs. Alongside recommendations about how to reduce energy use and how you can save money. An EPC gives a property an energy efficiency rating from A (being most efficient) to G (least efficient) and is valid for 10 years.

The survey itself is non-invasive, however, Raw Energy will require access to all rooms throughout the dwelling along with the heating system and loft. There is no need to lift carpets, floorboards or drill holes in walls, if an area is inaccessible, the team will be able to use documents or invoices check insulation or for any hidden work carried out.

Once the survey is complete, the EPC be finalised at the office, and then you will be provided with a link to your EPC. EPCs are hosted on a government website and they are updated very swiftly.

EPC survey, what’s involved?

  • Water heating system
  • Space heating system
  • Property insulation
  • How the property is constructed
  • Ventilation
  • Renewable technologies
  • Lighting
  • Prices start from £100/domestic property. To book a survey or discuss further please get in contact.

Email Us: [email protected]

Call Us: +44 (0) 1285 889869


Raw Energy will be able to guide you with the best ways to improve your rating.

An EPC is valid for 10 years or until replaced with a new one.

EPCs are not required on sale or rent for buildings due to be demolished, provided the seller or landlord can demonstrate that:

• the building is to be sold or rented out with vacant possession
• the building is suitable for demolition and
• the resulting site is suitable for redevelopment
• all relevant planning permissions, listed building consents and conservation area consents exist in relation to the demolition, and
• they believe, on reasonable grounds, that a prospective buyer or tenant intends to demolish the building (e.g. on evidence of an application for planning permission)

This is the responsibility of the building occupier.

The relevant person (i.e. the seller or landlord) has a duty to make available an EPC to a prospective buyer or tenant and may be liable to a penalty charge if they fail to do so, irrespective of whether the prospective buyer or tenant purports to waive an entitlement to receive the certificate.

As long as a valid EPC exists for the building, this can be provided to any prospective buyer or tenant. An EPC is valid for 10 years and during this period the same EPC can be provided to any prospective buyer or tenant. This EPC is no longer valid if a more recent EPC has been lodged on the central register.

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Company number: 08287787

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