Anaerobic Digestion

Anaerobic Digestion is one of the most complex and multi faceted renewable energy systems to manage.

What is anaerobic digestion?

Anaerobic digestion is a biological process in which plant and animal materials are broken down and converted into gas and digestate by micro-organisms in the absence of oxygen. This process releases biogas which is c.60% methane and 40% carbon dioxide, which can be used directly to provide heat and power. Biogas can also be purified by removal of the carbon dioxide to produce biomethane, which can be fed directly into the natural gas grid network to be used in homes, businesses or as a transport fuel. 

The benefits of anaerobic digestion:

• Delivering Net Zero
• Improving sustainable farming
• Developing national energy security

The types of materials suitable for anaerobic digestion include:

• Food waste
• Brewery and dairy by-products
• Slurry and manure
• Crops and crop residue

Looking to recycle any of these products? Please contact us.

Why Raw Energy?

  • Raw Energy have over ten years of experience in anaerobic digestion. Our own development Charlton Park Biogas is based near our head office.
  • HoSt Bioenergy Systems “If you want to know how a project should be managed during the implementation phase, then look at Charlton Park AD. HoSt is proud to have been chosen as technology provider for the project, which was smoothly developed and implemented by Raw Energy. The project is now in operation for a year and showing a stable performance, providing renewable energy to UK’s natural gas grid.  We are looking forward to any future collaboration with Raw Energy and are proud to be part of the UK’s renewable energy transition”.

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Company number: 08287787

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